Xbox Business update next week


Icon Extra
22 Jan 2023
I am done with this dude. If you do not understand from the leaked documents that Microsoft wanted to monopolize the gaming industry by brute force and continue to argue that PlayStation requires MS as a competitor to "avoid becoming evil,” you might as well still believe in Santa Claus and are dumb as a rock.



8 Jan 2023
I am done with this dude. If you do not understand from the leaked documents that Microsoft wanted to monopolize the gaming industry by brute force and continue to argue that PlayStation requires MS as a competitor to "avoid becoming evil,” you might as well still believe in Santa Claus and are dumb as a rock.

He doesn't understand that their longterm goal was buying up the industry and making it so that you couldn't play anything if it wasn't through them.


8 Jan 2023
Isn't there a dude named beast of truth who calls into a lot of these Xbox twitter spaces yelling and threatening to shoot people for not liking Xbox?
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10 Jan 2024
Isn't there a dude named beast of truth who calls into a lot of these Xbox twitter spaces yelling and threatening to shoot people for not liking Xbox?
WTF seriously???
Man, console warring has changed.


Well-known member
12 Apr 2023
If I read " but competition is good!" One more fucking time on reddit by Xbox fanboys hoping they can make people root for Xbox Im going to lose it. Shit the fuck up and give up already. Xbox has brought more toxicity to gaming than anything or anyone else ever could have


Icon Extra
12 Jan 2024
😂 😂 😂

This has to be a joke post. He spent more money in Bethesda's acquisition alone than Microsoft had in profit his whole tenure. Also, he was already part of the Xbox team before taking over globally, and only shat the bed.

Xbox under him failed to sell consoles, failed to sell gamepass, failed to release GOTY contenders, and only got a lifeline due to close to $100B in acquisitions.

If this is being a visionary and very successful, a Bonobo could have done the same. That's your baseline, a Bonobo.

how he made xbox most successful if every gen sells less and less than before? they ain't selling games too.
from Court documents and testimonies we also know, that xbox never had a profit, so he didn't any many, he was leeching from m$ for years.
realistic. you are delusional.

I know Phil had other positions before late 2017 but he wasn't the person making the final decisions. You guys always seem to think that just because Phil has a title that he runs the show when in reality he never did. Unless you're on top of the ladder which Phil never has been, you're nothing but a mouthpiece for those above you.

Profit doesn't happen overnight and I have said numerous times that this generation is and should be a "reset". You acquire studios, you get your studios in order, you get the games in order and you go from there. It was never about this generation. It was about next generation and afterwards.

Seriously, be honest and put the hatred aside. If Microsoft came out with their next gen Xbox console in Fall 2027, a year ahead of PlayStation 6 and has World of Warcraft console port, Halo 7 campaign, Killer Instinct 2 as well as COD 2027 and Marvel's Blade if it's ready. Then in 2028, they could have Gears 7, The Elder Scrolls VI and others. Are you seriously telling me that even as a hardcore PlayStation fan that wouldn't be interested in this first year console exclusive lineup? Come on man.

If Microsoft would have stayed the course, they would go into next generation with a head start like they did with Xbox 360. Going head to head with Sony is a losing battle.

You look at it differently than I do because for me, Xbox One sucked. I had only 5 games on that console which matched PlayStation 3 for me. Both were secondary for a reason. This generation, I already surpassed the 5 games I had last gen and I have over 10 games on their roadmap. You care about awards, I don't. The only ratings, reviews and awards that matter to me are my own.

As for selling consoles, how would ANYONE sell any consoles in 2022 when they had nothing and they put Series X in the Cloud as server blades?

Don't get me wrong, Phil isn't perfect by a long shot but outside of Peter Moore who had free reign to do pretty much whatever he wanted, there's always been corporate suits that ruin Xbox again and again. I know people want to blame Phil but let's be honest, if it was someone else in the same position and everything went the same, it would still be more on corporate especially now after ABK because they want that return on investment on the $70B they spent on ABK. A guy like Tim Stuart is basically what Jim Ryan was for you guys. A guy that only sees money and doesn't actually care about gaming, doesn't play or know anything about games and is only trying to satisfy shareholders and investors.

We'll never agree on this. I like Phil and I believe he is the best person to LEAD Xbox but how can he lead if there's always people above him undermining and overruling him? No one can succeed that way. Think about this - since Phil took over in late 2017, he's given me the best Xbox Showcases in 2018 and 2023. He's given me 7 studios, 2 publishers and a founded studio since E3 2018. He's also given me about 20 games. Why would I be against Phil when he's given me more studios and more games than I had the previous three generations combined?

But to each their own.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
I'm not gullible. Just realistic. I stand by what I said before. He made Xbox the most successful that it's ever been. The only negative is console sales which I'll give you that but everything else, made Microsoft more money than ever. Gaming segment is ahead of Windows and that's because of Phil Spencer. No one else. I see him as the person who saved the brand years ago and it's being killed by corporate suits who have never cared about gaming or Xbox. But believe whatever you want man.
As we said multiple times, changing the Activision/Bethesda column and adding it under Xbox is not "making money".

I'm sure your eyes were glowing when you saw the Q2 revenue with Activision included but that's not how it works. Satya, Tim and Amy disagree with you so wake up. They want their money back.