Gamers declare war against Sweet Baby Inc, and Elon Musk & Gabe Newell seem to be on board. Stop watering games down with hidden political agendas.


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022

They're just so openly racist

I am at a loss for words; the blatant racism on display here.

How do these people remain employed at these companies? Unless the companies themself condone this sort of behaviour.

I am just thinking about all the jobs I have ever worked in my life and how in an instant you would be fired for pulling some of this shit,

The gaming media really does need a clearout,


21 Jun 2022
I am at a loss for words; the blatant racism on display here.

How do these people remain employed at these companies? Unless the companies themself condone this sort of behaviour.

I am just thinking about all the jobs I have ever worked in my life and how in an instant you would be fired for pulling some of this shit,

The gaming media really does need a clearout,

Whole company apparently racist


26 Jun 2022
I am at a loss for words; the blatant racism on display here.

How do these people remain employed at these companies? Unless the companies themself condone this sort of behaviour.

I am just thinking about all the jobs I have ever worked in my life and how in an instant you would be fired for pulling some of this shit,

The gaming media really does need a clearout,
They were hired BECAUSE of it, not in spite of it.
27 Jun 2023
United kingdom

Am I mistaken in thinking that's the flag of Palestine , why do they keep employing people that can't keep their personal opinions to themselves & just stick to their job 🙈


27 Feb 2024
Man west really has so much free time on their hands, But then again the culture there doesn't encourage mental illness. That south of midnight game is so set up for failure, the paltry amount of sales they were going to get on steam also have vaporised by pissing on the steam community. Hail the Xbox pope Phil Spencer
27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
Man west really has so much free time on their hands, But then again the culture there doesn't encourage mental illness. That south of midnight game is so set up for failure, the paltry amount of sales they were going to get on steam also have vaporised by pissing on the steam community. Hail the Xbox pope Phil Spencer
The culture definitely does encourage mental illness atleast the modern culture pre 00's was much better