Hermen Hulst Master Plan


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Yeah I gotta agree I don’t like Hermen’s decisions. I hate some of the decisions.

But I guess to get a full picture we need to see what Naughty Dog are fully creating, Cory Balrogs team if there is a separate team, Sucker
Punch, Bluepoint, House Maque, London Team, MediaMolecule.
Hopefully most these guys are working on multiple projects and apart from a couple of studio’s all working on Single Player games.

How well have Jim and Hermen managed the resources and expanding the teams and 3rd party exclusives. This is what is important.

Wolverine is a good choice. But really need to see what Sony is cooking single player wise and new genres before I fully judge but so far, not impressed.

Is Concord confired a Gaas Game? What genre?


21 Jun 2022
In PC, like in console or in mobile most of the top grossing and most played games are GaaS. As an example, during the last decade or more the top two (occasionally top 3) worldwide PC games have been almost always League of Legends and Dungeon Fighter Online.

GaaS became big in PC (and mobile) before than in console. And not only in console, but in the whole gaming market across console+mobile+PC there's the global trend of game sales revenue going down and the addons revenue going up.

This is not my personal opinion, it's the market, what 3 Billions gamers did in recent years so it's what it's projected to continue happening.



When looking at this, publishers like Sony don't want to see their sales and revenue shrink, so they also invest in GaaS because they see that this is where players put their time and money.

So they aren't digging their own grave by also betting in GaaS. In any case, they could dig it if now investing in GaaS, in addition -as they are doing- continuing investing into what already works for them.

If you ask my personal opinion, I'll tell you I prefer single player games that aren't too long. I'd prefer to see Sony focused on SP games that are 10-20 hours long with other 10-20 hours for extras. With the exception of SF, I prefer to get tons of free updates and free content, and season passes than as having to pay full games for minor gameplay updates and a few extra character. Same goes with PC, I'd keep all their games PS exclusive forever.

But as dev who worked in a big ass publisher with friends in many other big ass companies, and as someone who likes to research about the industry numbers, I know that to compensate the skyrocketing costs they need to grow, invest in GaaS and expand to PC, mobile, movies/tv shows and any other area where they can get revenue from.

Because big AAA are becoming too insanely expensive and even big publishers suffers when one of them tanks or needs to be cancelled when they already spent a ton of money on it. Which ended with the career of several people and shutted down companies / studios or forced some people to sell their company studio to avoid having to shut it down.

I know it and understand it. So I'm fine with it because know that even if I personally won't play some of these games or ports, they are needed to keep getting the games I like and play and keep their teams safer.
Full games are projected to be decreasing because publishers are planning to release less, not because the people are buying less.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Manchester Studio | closed - 2020
Japan Studio | closed - 2021
Pixelopus | closed - 2023
Yes sad times

- Invested into Team Bloober's Silent Hill 2 remake.
- No more Quantic Dreams, FromSoftware or Supermassive exclusives.
Yep. And no Yakuza and Persona exclusives yet. Supermassive have been fantastic lately, Sony should of acquired them.

Also it was an insult to have GT movie trailer in Showcase instead of a new 1st party game or 3rd party exclusive
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
GaaS of the genderless generic/soulless variety.
The worst type Then lol.
Has been confirmed or just rumours?

Also has the team worked on anything else?

TBH I dont mind some Gaas time to time, Factions 2, Destiny etc As long as it gives me decent gameplay and a Story/World to get sucked into, but only if Im also getting loads of single player games too


25 Mar 2023
Ready for your new console any day now, Apple. Bring the heat.
It's going to be Valve, it sort of already is tbh.

Steam OS + console class hardware + better optimization. Console are mostly all digital at this point, don't have exclusives anymore and still charge for online. It's only a matter of the tech maturing and we are pretty close already.


21 Jun 2022
Full games are projected to be decreasing because publishers are planning to release less, not because the people are buying less.
No, the amount of games released in PC, mobile and consoles kept growing across years every generation, particularly after digital market and selfpublishing exploded and later with game engines getting cheaper/free. So since they are growing the projection is that they'd continue growing.

The graph I posted projects to the future the trend of previous years: game sales revenue migrating from retail to digital and game sales revenue being replaced by addons revenue.


25 Mar 2023
No, the amount of games released in PC, mobile and consoles kept growing across years every generation, particularly after digital market and selfpublishing exploded and later with game engines getting cheaper/free. So since they are growing the projection is that they'd continue growing.

The graph I posted projects to the future the trend of previous years: game sales revenue migrating from retail to digital and game sales revenue being replaced by addons revenue.
Yea, lets pretend there is no distinction between random games made by half a dev and proper AAA releases.

We keep getting less and less proper AAA games.


21 Jun 2022
But I guess to get a full picture we need to see what Naughty Dog are fully creating, Cory Balrogs team if there is a separate team, Sucker Punch, Bluepoint, House Maque, London Team, MediaMolecule.
Hopefully most these guys are working on multiple projects and apart from a couple of studio’s all working on Single Player games.
Not sure if was officially confirmed but I'd bet Druckmann mentioned that in addition to TLOU Online they were starting to work in a SP game. Cory hates DLC, so I assume his new IP will be a (non GaaS) SP game too. Can't remember if Sucker Punch officially confirmed to be working on GoT2, but would be dumb to don't do it. Not sure but I think they also had some MP related job offer, which I assume would mean GoT2 has again MP mode or that they may branch it out to a standalone game. Housemarque is working on a AAA new IP more ambitious than Returnal, not sure if they mentioned GaaS or not, I'd bet won't be GaaS and that will be SP. London is confirmed to be working on a MP GaaS AAA -non VR- new IP.

Bluepoint supported GoWR, and I'd bet they'll support another game before moving to lead their own game.

Bend's new IP I think it was mentioned (not sure) that it was going to be an open world new IP using stuff they build for Days Gone with MP elements, but wasn't clear if the game was going to be mainly SP with some MP mode or if MP was going to be the core.

Then there's Firesprite who is supposed to have multiple projects under development, being rumored (and pretty likely looking at job offers) Twisted Metal one of them, and other one being a horror narrative game (if isn't Twisted Metal).

Remember there's also Team Asobi (pretty likely SP) plus the 2nd party like Death Stranding 2, Rise of the Ronin, etc.

Is Concord confired a Gaas Game?
Yes, back when they bought them.

The studio is run by former top Bungie staff who left once they broke with Activision, and has more former Bungie staff and former top other shooters staff.

What genre?
  • fire
Reactions: Kokoloko


26 Feb 2023
MLB the game that releases day one on Gamepass every year? DLC? You can't be serious by even be bringing that up.

Spider-man 2 is pretty much all they have, doesn't even have a release date as of yet. So I was correct and you just can't admit it, Less AAA and new IPs is already a reality.

MLB is a Sony's 1st party game. Despite it is a multiplatfrom. Like it or not. You can't be serious mentioning just ONE RELEASE which isn't true. Spiderman 2 is releasing this holiday surely, it was even unofficial confirmed by its actor that it is releasing this fall 2 months ago



21 Jun 2022
No, the amount of games released in PC, mobile and consoles kept growing across years every generation, particularly after digital market and selfpublishing exploded and later with game engines getting cheaper/free. So since they are growing the projection is that they'd continue growing.

The graph I posted projects to the future the trend of previous years: game sales revenue migrating from retail to digital and game sales revenue being replaced by addons revenue.
Counting PC Shovelware and projecting that on AAA games?
Each Full AAA game release is selling 10 to 20 times more than they used to 10 to 15 years ago. This doesn't correlate very well with that crappy graph.


26 Feb 2023
Yea, lets pretend there is no distinction between random games made by half a dev and proper AAA releases.

We keep getting less and less proper AAA games.

You and us don't know that. As you said : We haven't actually seen any of that.


25 Mar 2023
You and us don't know that. As you said : We haven't actually seen any of that.
So you are expecting single player AAA games for 2024 to be announced still? Not likely, people said the same thing about 2023 and it ended up being just Spider-man 2 (barely making it). They are one small delay away from an empty year.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Kokoloko


25 Mar 2023
MLB is a Sony's 1st party game. Despite it is a multiplatfrom. Like it or not. You can't be serious mentioning just ONE RELEASE which isn't true. Spiderman 2 is releasing this holiday surely, it was even unofficial confirmed by its actor that it is releasing this fall 2 months ago

MLB releases every year, nobody ever counted it for anything (specially now that it is multiplataform and releases day on on Gamepass), it would be like counting Destiny expansion. Get real mate, you are only fooling yourself here.


21 Jun 2022
Counting PC Shovelware and projecting that on AAA games?
Each Full AAA game release is selling 10 to 20 times more than they used to 10 to 15 years ago. This doesn't correlate very well with that crappy graph.
I am not projecting shovelware in anything. I was explaining that it was totally false that the number of released games decreased, because the number of games instead increased due to specially shovelware.

And also explained the current game revenue trends and what a projection is and how are made.

Also, excluding a few exceptions it's totally false that AAA games sell 10 to 20 times than 10 to 15 years ago. Here you have some random examples:

And well, I also added that if an AAA team releases less games -let's say per generation- now it's because now they require more time to be made (due to being bigger, more complex and having more detailed visuals), not because any weird conspiracy.

So you are expecting single player AAA games for 2024 to be announced still? Not likely, people said the same thing about 2023 and it ended up being just Spider-man 2 (barely making it). They are one small delay away from an empty year.
For sure, there will be AAA SP games announced for 2024. Many games are announced less than a year and a half from release. As an example, in this showcase we saw multiple games being announced for 2023.

In addition to this, some games that as of now are already announced but with a TBA release date may get a 2024 release. As an example, Wolverine.
Last edited:


26 Feb 2023
MLB releases every year, nobody ever counted it for anything (specially now that it is multiplataform and releases day on on Gamepass), it would be like counting Destiny expansion. Get real mate, you are only fooling yourself here.

So what if it is annual release. It is counted. No need to go back to GAF and see bunch of posts where MLB is counted. It is a Sony's game. Ignorance is a bliss.

So you are expecting single player AAA games for 2024 to be announced still? Not likely, people said the same thing about 2023 and it ended up being just Spider-man 2 (barely making it). They are one small delay away from an empty year.

Yes, Bend's game is surely one them and from Sucker Punch. And MLB of course. Explain that Spiderman 2 barely making it this year? Problem in development? Source on that?
  • haha
Reactions: Nhomnhom


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Not sure if was officially confirmed but I'd bet Druckmann mentioned that in addition to TLOU Online they were starting to work in a SP game. Cory hates DLC, so I assume his new IP will be a (non GaaS) SP game too. Can't remember if Sucker Punch officially confirmed to be working on GoT2, but would be dumb to don't do it. Not sure but I think they also had some MP related job offer, which I assume would mean GoT2 has again MP mode or that they may branch it out to a standalone game. Housemarque is working on a AAA new IP more ambitious than Returnal, not sure if they mentioned GaaS or not, I'd bet won't be GaaS and that will be SP. London is confirmed to be working on a MP GaaS AAA -non VR- new IP.

Bluepoint supported GoWR, and I'd bet they'll support another game before moving to lead their own game.

Bend's new IP I think it was mentioned (not sure) that it was going to be an open world new IP using stuff they build for Days Gone with MP elements, but wasn't clear if the game was going to be mainly SP with some MP mode or if MP was going to be the core.

Then there's Firesprite who is supposed to have multiple projects under development, being rumored (and pretty likely looking at job offers) Twisted Metal one of them, and other one being a horror narrative game (if isn't Twisted Metal).

TBH all sounds good, I just hope Naughty Dog were working on someone new before 2022.
Great to hear about Cory, and fingrs crossed Blue Point is doing something while helping God of War R.

Remember there's also Team Asobi (pretty likely SP) plus the 2nd party like Death Stranding 2, Rise of the Ronin, etc.

Sounds good. I my deep wish is they are also helping Miyazaki with a PS exclusive lol

Yes, back when they bought them.

The studio is run by former top Bungie staff who left once they broke with Activision, and has more former Bungie staff and former top other shooters staff.

I dont mind, sounds like a decent studio. As long as the other studios are working on lots of games


25 Mar 2023
So what if it is annual release. It is counted. No need to go back to GAF and see bunch of posts where MLB is counted. It is a Sony's game. Ignorance is a bliss.

Yes, Bend's game is surely one them and from Sucker Punch. And MLB of course. Explain that Spiderman 2 barely making it this year? Problem in development? Source on that?
So Sony releasing an annual game somehow proves things are going good? How does that make any sense? You just keep coming up with excuses, why don't you face reality instead?


26 Feb 2023
So Sony releasing an annual game somehow proves things are going good? How does that make any sense? You just keep coming up with excuses, why don't you face reality instead?

No. But there is no need to ignore MLB. Btw. you ignored HFW expansion and PSVR 2 release. Talking about excuses, yet you ignored literally 3 first party games. If you trying to play some drama queen, keep going.