Xbox fanatics social media meltdowns in regards to 3rd party move and other losses |OT| "When fiction meets reality.


10 Jan 2023
Are you guys pretending to not understand or am I doing a lousy job at explaining? Grubb, Dring, Ryckert, Shreier and other journalist manbabies are not saying "I know this game is for kids but I still enjoy it". I wouldn't have any issue with that. The issue I have is that they are treating Nintendo games like it's the Citizen Kane of gaming.

The perspective is that gaming has matured, it has become an artform with complex narratives and deep characters and Nintendo hasn't moved an inch from its 80s-90s roots. They still make the same games they always have and that's perfectly fine if you still enjoy them but the games media's adoration for Nintendo is entirely unwarranted.
I do agree in the sense that they don’t get put under the same pressure as Sony in terms of boundary pushing. If Nintendo can stick to Mario and Zelda games with no scrutiny, why can’t Sony stick to cinematic AAA games with familiar treatment? People just want EVERYTHING from Sony, which is partially their fault because they try to represent the whole industry, while Nintendo focuses on making sure their software is the most sought for on their platform.

Nintendo Switch will be their highest selling platform, amazing achievement but people also forget that they had to consolidate their console and handhelds to get there. Love my switch but the universal glazing is insane
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: 2spooky5me


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Do I need to start listing off films aimed at children that are better than most other films or....? Like the Lion King is a peak super high quality film but it's aimed at kids.

I don't think it's fair to equate a higher intended age demographic with a more mature game. It may be aimed at adults but stuff like Duke Nukem or Doom for example is less mature than things like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon or Kingdom Hearts. It's not about age demographic. Maturity or a games value as a piece of art isn't determined by demographic either. Heck, a games quality isn't determined by demographic or maturity either.

It's not that we don't understand, it's that we think your premise is narrow minded
I don't remember any Nintendo games with writing on the level of a Lion King or a Beauty and the Beast even. They don't even bother having voice acting. They literally get away with basement tier production values because of their game design.


17 May 2024
I don't remember any Nintendo games with writing on the level of a Lion King or a Beauty and the Beast even. They don't even bother having voice acting. They literally get away with basement tier production values because of their game design.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon

I am not kidding and before you mock me for mentioning pokemon let it be known that the PMD games are made by a company popular for making visual novels and they have actual characters with depth and growth, plot twists, the works

Cool hand luke

14 Feb 2023
Do I need to start listing off films aimed at children that are better than most other films or....? Like the Lion King is a peak super high quality film but it's aimed at kids.

I don't think it's fair to equate a higher intended age demographic with a more mature game. It may be aimed at adults but stuff like Duke Nukem or Doom for example is less mature than things like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon or Kingdom Hearts. It's not about age demographic. Maturity or a games value as a piece of art isn't determined by demographic either. Heck, a games quality isn't determined by demographic or maturity either.

It's not that we don't understand, it's that we think your premise is narrow minded
People usually go to Pixar here but sorry, they're not good either. Saccharine and emotionally manipulative are the best words to describe their desecrations of animation.

You can have cartoony games without them being for kids. Most of the Nintendo direct was for children. Cosy sims and baby's first genre entry. The frothing over it makes sense when the audience they've nurtured are stunted manchildren.

Evil Aloy

3 May 2024
Do I need to start listing off films aimed at children that are better than most other films or....? Like the Lion King is a peak super high quality film but it's aimed at kids.

I don't think it's fair to equate a higher intended age demographic with a more mature game. It may be aimed at adults but stuff like Duke Nukem or Doom for example is less mature than things like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon or Kingdom Hearts. It's not about age demographic. Maturity or a games value as a piece of art isn't determined by demographic either. Heck, a games quality isn't determined by demographic or maturity either.

It's not that we don't understand, it's that we think your premise is narrow minded

That is exactly what I am saying, Nintendo's games aren't mature games regardless of art style. There may be a couple of exceptions here and there, I haven't played everything they make, but the rule is that Nintendo makes games for kids. Is that bad? No, of course not. The bad thing is that games media worships them as if they are the pinnacle of the medium while the truth is that they are clearly lacking in many things that define modern game development.

I do agree in the sense that they don’t get put under the same pressure as Sony in terms of boundary pushing. If Nintendo can stick to Mario and Zelda games with no scrutiny, why can’t Sony stick to cinematic AAA games with familiar treatment? People just want EVERYTHING from Sony, which is partially their fault because they try to represent the whole industry, while Nintendo focuses on making sure their software is the most sought for on their platform.

Nintendo Switch will be their highest selling platform, amazing achievement but people also forget that they had to consolidate their console and handhelds to get there. Love my switch but the universal glazing is insane

EXACTLY, thank you. If people want to see crystal clear examples of the bias games media has in favor of Nintendo they should listen to the game of the year talks of Giant Bomb and Fire Escape (Dan Ryckert is in both of them). Hear how Sony's games were raked over the coals for daring to have story and characters, while almost every single game Nintendo released made it into the top 10.

Dick Jones

Corporate Dick
Icon Extra
5 Jul 2022

Who cares about making good games look at the views our showcase got that included the next cod 🤣

Aaron's job is PR so in his defence...

Ryan Reynolds Want GIF

He is right to tweet that. Aaron Greenberg actually competent for once.

gus sorola rt podcast GIF by Rooster Teeth


Dixon Cider Ltd.
22 Jun 2022

Believe me... the things we say here, or any other forum, is NOTHING compared to what these nutjobs say in private (among their therapy group sessions) or to fans of other communities on Twitter, FB, etc.
This is why the VG industry gets a bad rap, when regular folk elevate s**theads like Fritanga, OhNoItsAlex, KingThrash, BaronBlack (EmpBruh), etc.

I know you replied already to JAHGamer, but I just wanted to add in my own two cents ;)
Don't lump KingThrash in with those others bro lol
26 Nov 2023
Are you guys pretending to not understand or am I doing a lousy job at explaining? Grubb, Dring, Ryckert, Shreier and other journalist manbabies are not saying "I know this game is for kids but I still enjoy it". I wouldn't have any issue with that. The issue I have is that they are treating Nintendo games like it's the Citizen Kane of gaming.

The perspective is that gaming has matured, it has become an artform with complex narratives and deep characters and Nintendo hasn't moved an inch from its 80s-90s roots. They still make the same games they always have and that's perfectly fine if you still enjoy them but the games media's adoration for Nintendo is entirely unwarranted.

Gaming is, and always will be a form of entertainment and art can be, entertainment in many different forms. Gaming didn't JUST "become an artform", it has been telling complex narratives and stories for decades now while co-existing with titles whos sole purpose is just to be "fun". Nintendo is just an embodiment of joy and playfulness and there is nothing wrong with the gaming press and community celebrating that. Thinking that only "mature" (and let's be real a lot of so called mature games are also ridiculously childish) games are worth adoration and celebration is just...sad.


10 Jan 2023


4 Jul 2022
I like making fun of xbots as much as the next guy but nintendo shills are becoming equally as annoying. Nintendo showcases a game clearly designed for 10 year old girls and grown men like Dring, Grubb and Minotti cream themselves as if they saw the greatest game ever. It's embarrassing, it's like these people don't have a shred of dignity.
nintendo shill always were (and are) a bunch of tiresome retards,but they have fall off of the power race a long time a go,they are focused on their first party games and maybe some shitty port of a triple aaa third party game

Evil Aloy

3 May 2024
Gaming is, and always will be a form of entertainment and art can be, entertainment in many different forms. Gaming didn't JUST "become an artform", it has been telling complex narratives and stories for decades now while co-existing with titles whos sole purpose is just to be "fun". Nintendo is just an embodiment of joy and playfulness and there is nothing wrong with the gaming press and community celebrating that. Thinking that only "mature" (and let's be real a lot of so called mature games are also ridiculously childish) games are worth adoration and celebration is just...sad.

You didn't need a whole paragraph just to say "sometimes I like kiddie games". No one is judging you for it. You have to understand that games journalists should be held to a higher standard. They shouldn't be behaving like slobbering fanboys.


Icon Extra
22 Jan 2023
Are Xbox fans migrating to Nintendo? Or are Nintendo fans becoming more militant? Twitter has been running this “PS has no games” campaign when, in fact, PS5 is the console with the most quality and quantity releases this year.


19 Jan 2023
Are Xbox fans migrating to Nintendo? Or are Nintendo fans becoming more militant? Twitter has been running this “PS has no games” campaign when, in fact, PS5 is the console with the most quality and quantity releases this year.
It just that alot of people online are contrarians or people who just want to make an unfunny joke

Evil Aloy

3 May 2024
Watching the Limited Run Games show, most of these games are skipping Xbox it’s crazy. Mid to smaller size devs getting cold feet supporting Xbox seems to be true

Devs might already know that the next Xbox will be a PC so they are not bothering at all with the current console.