Xbox fanatics social media meltdowns in regards to 3rd party move and other losses |OT| "When fiction meets reality.


2 May 2023
Yeah with gamepass they dont need a handheld with all the ones already able to give that experience. They miss the boat alot even with VR and using a third party headset on their system.
If you could turn on any x86 handheld or windows pc straight to an xbox menu, fully controlled with a gamepad and have a Gamepass Library front and center, it's a pitch at least. Personally I don't think these subscriptions map on to how I play games and are a waste of money. So what's MS's plan for me?
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28 Jun 2022
If you could turn on any x86 handheld or windows pc straight to an xbox menu, fully controlled with a gamepad and have a Gamepass Library front and center, it's a pitch at least. Personally I don't think these subscriptions map on to how I play games and are a waste of money. So what's MS's plan for me?
I still wouldn't buy gamepass but hey some ppl would.


8 Jan 2023
I still wouldn't buy gamepass but hey some ppl would.
I wouldn't buy Gamepass either. If any games come to PS5 that are on Gamepass and I'm interested in playing them, I'll just wait until there's a sale where the price of the game is less than one month of Gamepass and then buy it to own it. If you wanted me to pay full price of your game, you shouldn't devalue it by putting in gamepass day 1.
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14 Jul 2022
Now, given how Xbox works, even the physical library may stop working pretty soon. So that's a waste.

They've been pushing really hard for an all-digital future for quite some time now. It makes me wonder if they'll only port digital games to other systems. Physical sales are much better on Nintendo and PS than on Xbox too.
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14 Jul 2022
The kinda funny Xcast is so obnoxious and hypocritical. No matter what happens Thursday, it was nice seeing the worst elements of that community panic and briefly question their own behavior.

I enjoy the way some of these people phrase things. He's "ok" with Halo Infinite going multi-platform, but not their core pillars. The self-importance is staggering as is the complete glossing over of how badly they've been treated by MS ever since the leaks surfaced. Almost like they don't matter at all to Phil and co. Who'd have thunk it?
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14 Jul 2022
These folks' shifting narrative of Xbox buying full blown publishers to increase their exclusive library as being great competition against PlayStation to now saying putting Xbox 1st party games on PS and Nintendo is great cause it will get consumers interested in Xbox for the sequels is beyond laughable. No one cares about Xbox anymore. Hifi Rush been on Game pass all this time so people have had plenty of time to jump ship if you will and they didn't. People are staying pat on PS and Nintendo especially when MS continues their marketing of saying "you don't need a Xbox to play our games."

It looks like people are saying whatever they can to damage control. The argument that people will invest in the Xbox ecosystem for the sequels is just cope. Somewhat related to that, I was reading a comment about this matter elsewhere and the person had a really interesting point about Bethesda. As soon as it came out that Starfield would be exclusive and on its release, it didn't cause people to buy Xbox consoles or Game Pass in any significant numbers - Nintendo and Sony customers just started ignoring Bethesda.

From my perspective that seems spot on and I think MS has now realized that too. Gamers aren't going to come to you, you are going to have to go to them.
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8 Jan 2023
I enjoy the way some of these people phrase things. He's "ok" with Halo Infinite going multi-platform, but not their core pillars. The self-importance is staggering as is the complete glossing over of how badly they've been treated by MS ever since the leaks surfaced. Almost like they don't matter at all to Phil and co. Who'd have thunk it?
The ego and self importance of these guys is hilariously sad.
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21 Jun 2022
Still crying lol

Moron quoting another moron
Happy I Love You GIF by Warner Bros. Deutschland
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