Xbox Games Showcase and Starfield Direct Double Feature


10 Feb 2023
Starfield looked great.

Evrything else was 5/10. Same games for last 4 years. Multiplats. Etc. But i think amount of games thwir new studios produce might put fire under sony ass. And if they get ab....and it should happen. Sony s way too much relaxed.

They absolutely need few more studios for single player stuff. And one bigger publisher, capcom or square. Management s too cheap, frigid amd conservative. Maybe it ll change.
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28 Mar 2023
No the lie was that he said they would definitively give an answer to 30 or 60fps at the show. I already knew this game would be 30 on console.
Well all of the gameplay shown was 30fps….so technically it was obvious. It’s a 30fps game. Hopefully on pc will have frame generation.
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Gaming Sage
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13 Jul 2022
Avowed - mid, cheap. Missed opportunity for a mature AAA RPG banger, instead… a rated Teen for kids snooze fest. I was looking forward to this one. Dissapointed big time, and I only have myself to blame. What we got today from the initial CGI tease... night and day.

Sea of Thieves GAAS. Not going to shit on this cause these GAAS titles, like Destiny continue to get airtime cause they don’t die…(big problem industry wide) but still. Snooze fest.

More Flight Sim - the fuck? Can’t make this shit a thing with a console audience no matter how much they try yearly or how cute they try to prop it with trailers. It’s a borefest for a super niche audience, mostly not even on the console itself.

Fable - more inengine for a game announced years ago. Facepalm

South of Midnight from Compulsion - "Single A - AA" stylized from former indie dev... meh till gameplay.

Starwars with CGI/In-engine whatever the fuck that was. A female Han-solo with Ubisoft design. Always hope for the good but....but....

Just consider that they could have gone a with non-human protag but that would actually be too diversified, and uncomfortable even for cliché bargain bin writers that plague this industry - specially Ubisoft employed ones. Did nothing for me.

Indies showing more fucking gameplay is a disgrace for both MS and Sony – all I will say about indies.

PayDay the fuck? Still stuck in the PS3 era design wise and graphics wise. Why would you pick and show this trash?

Persona 3 – ancient port. Would resonate if it was a FFVII Remake/Demons Souls Remake, RE2 Remake quality of touch. At least to Persona 5 Royal level. But nope. Just glad in general Sony didn’t have to show any of the Personal related reels. Phew!

Hellblade II – More exposition. Wait a little longer routine. Fail!

Yakuza – thank god MS is now giving this IP screentime instead of Sony. Phew!

More FLOPOUT 76… initially I thought maybe they decided to do a CUPHEAD clone with the Fallout IP as a side-project – something actually good but nope.

Path of the Goddess – need to see more (OK).

Forza – OK. You know what to expect. Like with Gran Turismo, I’m impressed how these studios and their engines just don’t leap to the next level considering the lack of complexity and focused nature of the game design. Stagnation continues unabated, on both sides. “Where you gonna go?” paradigm.

Overwatch 2 showing on Xbox. ABK crazy. EA and Epic laugh to the bank. No fire gameplay either.

Starfield. Looked OK. Makes you appreciate something like Horizon, and the attention to detail, better animations, the gameplay etc. Of course with Horizon the problem is that thematically/story wise the game is mediocre – courtesy of mediocre writers, and a mediocre creative lead – Guerrilla studios eternal plague. Whoever suggested white/gray for HUD UI and also that small font – fire him. There is a reason games go with other tints. Just hope the font size can be changed at least. The big question for this game will be, can they catch the Bungie magic of curiosity? We’ll see. That human facial animation pipeline is atrocious after decades of the same criticism… tone deaf!

InExile Clockwork (OK). Not a fan of the artstyle. Reminds me of Bioshock Infinite – and those are not good memories but again it’s just the artstyle. Need to see more.

If you thought this showcase would light a fire under Sony’s ass…. Lmao. MS, once again, manages to put out a mediocre show full of fluff with no big hitters for a spine shaking punch. Nothing like a MS showcase to make a bad Sony showcase look passable by comparison. This is why they’re in third place and will continue to be so now, in the near, and far future. Not proper competition - simple as that. Mediocrity personified....

2 out of 10.

At least with the Sony Showcase I got Phantom Blade0, Dragon’s Dogma 2, Plucky Squire, Foamstars, Spider-man 2, Helldivers 2 to look forward to.

The wait a little longer show once again. This time to 2024/25 and beyond.

I will say this about the showcases. We have witnessed the most important epochal triumph of our time. NO Call of Duty showing on either showcase. Such a breadth of fresh air, only to be polluted by mediocre showings.

Ghosty boy is laughably delusional. But you do have to, in some ways, appreciate a warrior on war footing. Prob a late teen finding out the kicks of console warring.
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28 Mar 2023
The fanboys or better yet the radicals on Twitter assured us that Phil and his team would deliver a top-notch presentation.
It’s getting pretty much universal praise from what I’m seeing on Twitter and elsewhere….I think it’s been the best show this summer so far. Starfield looks great.
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4 May 2023
It’s getting pretty much universal praise from what I’m seeing on Twitter and elsewhere….I think it’s been the best show this summer so far. Starfield looks great.
Sure and my uncle works for Nintendo and knows when the Switch 2 is coming out those universal praises are coming from radical fanboys and places that only focus on Xbox. Stop kidding yourself, I'm excited for Starfield as well but that doesn't mean I won't criticize them at all.
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Icon Extra
29 Jun 2022
Man I nearly fell asleep

Nothing there topped the Spiderman 2 gameplay or the MGS3 surprise and FFVII Remake 2 surprises

Starfield looks like the most boring game in existence. It's like they tried to make sci fi as dull as possible. Nothing in it looks fun, like how many slow panning walking shots did they need to show to pad out time?


Icon Extra
29 Jun 2022
It’s getting pretty much universal praise from what I’m seeing on Twitter and elsewhere….I think it’s been the best show this summer so far. Starfield looks great.
Sure bro. Everyone is calling it the Xbox Cinematic Showcase


28 Mar 2023
Sure and my uncle works for Nintendo and knows when the Switch 2 is coming out those universal praises are coming from radical fanboys and places that only focus on Xbox. Stop kidding yourself, I'm excited for Starfield as well but that doesn't mean I won't criticize them at all.
Sure Jan GIF


28 Mar 2023
Man I nearly fell asleep

Nothing there topped the Spiderman 2 gameplay or the MGS3 surprise and FFVII Remake 2 surprises

Starfield looks like the most boring game in existence. It's like they tried to make sci fi as dull as possible. Nothing in it looks fun, like how many slow panning walking shots did they need to show to pad out time?
Sequel remake sequel. Yea can’t wait for those surprises!
  • haha
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4 May 2023
Sure bro. Everyone is calling it the Xbox Cinematic Showcase
I agree, there were some instances that were good but over 90% of games shown were third-party and 90% of the games from Xbox are once again delayed till another year and then it will happen again in 2024. But I am excited for Starfield.


4 May 2023
They absolutely need few more studios for single player stuff. And one bigger publisher, capcom or square. Management s too cheap, frigid amd conservative. Maybe it ll change.
I'm afraid I have to disagree with this solely because they already have enough studios enough as it is, the only thing they need to focus on is maintaining that managers in each studio put their foot down and actually manage the studios. I think that is where they really fail right now. Hire people like crazy to get those machine pumping. Cause something has got to give at that company.


12 Apr 2023
I agree, there were some instances that were good but over 90% of games shown were third-party and 90% of the games from Xbox are once again delayed till another year and then it will happen again in 2024. But I am excited for Starfield.
90% of the games shown were not 3rd party. Lol why are we blatantly lying now?

Dick Jones

Corporate Dick
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5 Jul 2022
It’s getting pretty much universal praise from what I’m seeing on Twitter and elsewhere….I think it’s been the best show this summer so far. Starfield looks great.
The Xbox show is the best show so far this Summer but that's like boasting about being the nicest guy in prison. Sony was mid (few highlights), Geoff Keighley's show was mid (few highlights) and Xbox's show was better but a few changes would have easily bumped up the rating to great