Xbox Games Showcase and Starfield Direct Double Feature


Forum Veteran
23 Jan 2023

there is a phrase : never go full retard.

but you decided, hold my beer, i will show how its done.

Low effort troll.
Game Informer GOTY

Players Voice winner at TGA 2021 with only the multiplayer

You guys are delusional if you think the game was bad.
Best campaign Halo by a mile? Tell me you've never played any other Halo games without saying it directly.
I've been playing the games for two decades lmao. Replayed them dozens and dozens of times over the years as well.

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
Game Informer GOTY

Players Voice winner at TGA 2021 with only the multiplayer

You guys are delusional if you think the game was bad.

I've been playing the games for two decades lmao. Replayed them dozens and dozens of times over the years as well.
Dude, Halo was bad. Sorry man. I think I put about 10 hours into it until I just couldn't take it anymore.

That's also like saying The Last Jedi was good because of the score on Rotten Tomatoes. That movie might have single handedly finished off the Star Wars franchise it was so bad. Does that sound familiar?

I don't get "stanning" for garbage. If something is bad (or you don't happen to like it), just say so, it doesn't matter what brand it's associated with. The writing was embarrassing, the level design and world was as sparse as could be, no variation in the locales. It wouldn't have even held up in the 360 era.

It's not a good game. I don't care if it "won an award." You realize I could make a website and give it "worst game of the year" award as well too, right? Would that mean anything?

It's kind funny though that when you want to make certain points you try to appeal to authority (or data), but when you want to make other points you throw all data out the window. But you throw data out when hard numbers are actually what matters, then you try to use data when it's more about taste and discernment. You have it completely backwards my guy.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Dude, Halo was bad. Sorry man. I think I put about 10 hours into it until I just couldn't take it anymore.

That's also like saying The Last Jedi was good because of the score on Rotten Tomatoes. That movie might have single handedly finished off the Star Wars franchise it was so bad. Does that sound familiar?

I don't get "stanning" for garbage. If something is bad (or you don't happen to like it), just say so, it doesn't matter what brand it's associated with. The writing was embarrassing, the level design and world was as sparse as could be, no variation in the locales. It wouldn't have even held up in the 360 era.

It's not a good game. I don't care if it "won an award." You realize I could make a website and give it "worst game of the year" award as well too, right? Would that mean anything?

It's kind funny though that when you want to make certain points you try to appeal to authority (or data), but when you want to make other points you throw all data out the window. But you throw data out when hard numbers are actually what matters, then you try to use data when it's more about taste and discernment. You have it completely backwards my guy.
In an age of chimpanzees, Welfare is the king of the monkeys.


Forum Veteran
23 Jan 2023
Dude, Halo was bad. Sorry man. I think I put about 10 hours into it until I just couldn't take it anymore.

That's also like saying The Last Jedi was good because of the score on Rotten Tomatoes. That movie might have single handedly finished off the Star Wars franchise it was so bad. Does that sound familiar?

I don't get "stanning" for garbage. If something is bad (or you don't happen to like it), just say so, it doesn't matter what brand it's associated with. The writing was embarrassing, the level design and world was as sparse as could be, no variation in the locales. It wouldn't have even held up in the 360 era.

It's not a good game. I don't care if it "won an award." You realize I could make a website and give it "worst game of the year" award as well too, right? Would that mean anything?

It's kind funny though that when you want to make certain points you try to appeal to authority (or data), but when you want to make other points you throw all data out the window. But you throw data out when hard numbers are actually what matters, then you try to use data when it's more about taste and discernment. You have it completely backwards my guy.
The consensus by almost everyone in 2021 was Halo Infinite was one of if not the best games that year. Get over it. The main thing people complained about was the low amount of content.

You not enjoying it is okay. But when someone asks how Infinite gets the same score as Forbidden West and I respond Infinite was a great game, I get jumped on by lunatics?

How the fuck are we supposed talk then? Just circle jerk Sony exclusives and refuse to accept Xbox produces some of the best games (when they actually come out)? Your opinion is the end all be all?

Also The Last Jedi didn't kill Star Wars, internet chuds crying about it and Disney bending the knee throwing JJ Abrams back on resulted in a terrible third film. Guy made TFA as New Hope 2 and didn't think the sequel trilogy should try new things. Resulted in an overall boring trilogy no cares about, and instead the fans focus on all the side stories.

If game informer says it's goty, it absolutely is then. My mind is now at ease, sorry for doubting your excellency.
Was Game Informer trolling?

Why is it so hard for you guys to accept Halo Infinite was a GOTY quality game? It won the TGA fan vote after being out for 3 weeks.

Oh wait this forum loves to think the "media" is in bed with Xbox haha. And then if someone says they like it, they must be trolling.
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Cool hand luke

14 Feb 2023
The consensus by almost everyone in 2021 was Halo Infinite was one of if not the best games that year. Get over it. The main thing people complained about was the low amount of content.

You not enjoying it is okay. But when someone asks how Infinite gets the same score as Forbidden West and I respond Infinite was a great game, I get jumped on by lunatics?

How the fuck are we supposed talk then? Just circle jerk Sony exclusives and refuse to accept Xbox produces some of the best games (when they actually come out)? Your opinion is the end all be all?

Also The Last Jedi didn't kill Star Wars, internet chuds crying about it and Disney bending the knee throwing JJ Abrams back on resulted in a terrible third film. Guy made TFA as New Hope 2 and didn't think the sequel trilogy should try new things. Resulted in an overall boring trilogy no cares about, and instead the fans focus on all the side stories.

Was Game Informer trolling?

Why is it so hard for you guys to accept Halo Infinite was a GOTY quality game? It won the TGA fan vote after being out for 3 weeks.

Oh wait this forum loves to think the "media" is in bed with Xbox haha. And then if someone says they like it, they must be trolling.

It Takes Two
Resident Evil Village
Forza Horizon 5
Metroid Dread

All superior choices for GOTY 2021. Great Ace Attorney Chronicles also won a GOTY award that year but it doesn't put it in the same conversation as the top 5.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022

It Takes Two
Resident Evil Village
Forza Horizon 5
Metroid Dread

All superior choices for GOTY 2021. Great Ace Attorney Chronicles also won a GOTY award that year but it doesn't put it in the same conversation as the top 5.
Returnal had better gameplay, better sound design, better music, and better story as well. Sorry, just the facts. Hell I would take Guardians of the Galaxy as a close #2 to Returnal.


Forum Veteran
23 Jan 2023
Let it be known that by suggesting Halo Infinite got a 4.5 star rating because it was a great game, the haters will cry foul.

God what if someone came in here and said the opposite of what I did.

"Yeah why does Forbidden West have the same star rating as Infinite? FW was horrible."

Some of you would probably explode in gamer rage.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Let it be known that by suggesting Halo Infinite got a 4.5 star rating because it was a great game, the haters will cry foul.

God what if someone came in here and said the opposite of what I did.

"Yeah why does Forbidden West have the same star rating as Infinite? FW was horrible."

Some of you would probably explode in gamer rage.
Literally lmao


Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
The game failed at being a successful GAAS and retaining a base despite being the GAAS to date with the most decorated media praise and media hype - with a strong marketing campaign in tow on top of a platform holder power behind it. "Player's Choice" "Neogaf GOTY :ROFLMAO: - never forget"... you gotta ask yourself how such a decorated GAAS had one of the quickest, most painful GAAS death's around. Something doesn't connect in that story... how could critics love it so much and recommend it so much, and "gamers" love it so much and recommend it so much and at the same time let the game die an unceremonious, IP killing, studio killing death in a short span of a few months.

Moreover if the crutch is that it was a Multiplayer GAAS failure but the Singleplayer was so great then how come, once again, a game that was decorated and praised so much by media and recommended so much by "gamers" has the game die unceremoniously and instead of propping the game with sales and the studio with money from sales, like singleplayer games do for Naughty Dog or SSM or FromSoftware or CDPR.... it all ended up in 343i becoming office space on liquidation?

A game that was afforded and given all the pre-requisites for success, a game that wasn't sent out to die without a marketing campaign etc opposed to other gems that unfortunately do.... how come? If the game was such a success along those metrics how come the game wasn't a success on all the metrics that actually matter? Player retention, sales, studio health, IP health?

If you look at Destiny for example... shit on by reviewers and critics (rightfully). But still around...

Something doesn't smell right.... smells a bit....manu, also a bit, factured. A bit bull.... a bit shit.....

But my smell may be off.... who knows right?

Asking questions is always a tried and true way to arrive to the truth - provided you're asking the correct questions.
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On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
Halo infinite is a shit game. People can spout all the player awards they want.

Metacritic and review scores tell you nothing. I’m sure every single game boils down to their scores to a T.

Yeah sure.

Mafia 3 has 68 metacritic vs GTAV’s 97. Yet I significantly enjoyed M3 better. The story, characters, and gameplay.

On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
So yeah this showcase was overhyped as is usual for Xbox. Nothing groundbreaking was announced that will change any trajectory of market share and sales.

I still can’t believe Hellblade 2 isn’t releasing this year and doesn’t have a release date. The game was announced 4 years ago.

In fact mostly all the first party games are not releasing this year and have no date.

PS5 has more exclusives out this year than Xbox. This is why green rats should learn their lesson by now that every time you try and make fun of PlayStation it always backfires.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Halo was so bad that it killed the studio. Most fans hate the campaign now that the dust has settled.

The amount of players that logged into its f2p title screen for two minutes was meaningless. Game has like 10,000 players on its best day in totality.

Biggest flop since ET. No software sold or consoles moved. Halo is beyond dead.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
This looks so familiar.





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Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Cyberpunk kicking off this Xbox extended show. Keanu interview. I really do appreciate that he seems to be genuinely into the role.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
High on life expansion. Purchase only no gamespasss